Sunday, July 12, 2009

[ how could this be done ]

by such a smiling sweetheart?


Good day!!  Yes, it has been a truly lovely day.  I got up at 8:00am and got ready, then was picked up by Brianna at 9:30am to go off to a pool party which was absolutely fantastic.  I loved it!  The pool was 80 degrees!!  And Steafene and I had an amazing amount of fun with our flippy-floppies and making big splashes and such.Today was a great day, there’s nothing like hanging out with my bestie and her family (whom I adore greatly)  by the pool (and in the pool).  I really want my own pool now.  Seems like a great investment… :).  Ugh, I got a bit too tanned today, yes, I did just say that.  I hate tan lines with a passion and I’ve darkened quiet a bit today.  Ah well, what am I gonna do?  ;)SPLASH!!!!

I got a new book in the post yesterday from Peta2.  Animal Liberations, and it’s really good so far. I’ve learned a lot from the twenty or so pages I’ve glanced through haha.  I really want a white Pomeranian now.  After meeting Riley, I fell in love with the goofy looking, adorable, harp-seal look alike canine.  Ahh!  They are SO cute! They have harp seal eyes that I really cannot resist!  Well, I have to go take care of some stuff, like hunger.  ;)  byeee!

Picture Credits:

1st: molly merrick click to view her stream on flickr

{ bliss ; Laura xx ♥  }


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