Monday, August 24, 2009

[ diagnostics are nothing ]

In need a miracle in my veins

Hey! I'm still listening to Manchester Orchestra, I know, I'm slightly addicted. Anyway, people seem to enjoy showing up to my house unannounced for some reason. Several times the neighbour has just walked in, some kids down the street like to show up and invite themselves in and other various people like to think they cam show up randomly when I'm obviously not looking my best. Which is a big pain in the ass. So we really need to remember to lock the door! I guess it's because everywhere I've lived the doors have locked by themselves and you just needed to double bolt the door before you went to bed. And we still haven't gotten used to it. But we need to, now.
Hallelujah! I don't know why I said that. But right now Alex is trying to get me to cycle down to Quality Dairy and get him some sweets but I'm trying to get him to save his money. I'm doing a great job, he's trying to pay me to go and get him stuff, I might cave, not because of the $2, but because he's really cute! But I think it would be in his best interest to save him moolah. I am too, so it would be like working on something together. I need $648.80 and I only have... ummm, not much. Erg. I'll write more later.
{ take what you need; Laura xx ♥ }

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