Thursday, May 28, 2009

[ this could be the end of a beautiful friendship ]

..::  && it’s a long way down tonight ::..


Good day today!  It started off nicely and ended even better!  First, I went to school as normal, had a lecture and watched a film on the electric car, and who killed it.  And then I went to get my yearbook during excel.  It’s pretty decent, it takes a lot of money to put together and a lot of hard work, so they did a fab job overall.  They made a few errors (see previous post) but their only human.  So I got people to sign my yearbook, some wrote lovely little notes, and others… not so much.  But I’ll remember them regardless.  Then, I got to miss half of fourth hour and the whole of fifth hour for PALS.  I’m  not in PALS but Mrs. Seyka asked if I could go with them.  So I went to the Middle School with some members of the group so we could talk to the eight graders about being in High School.  It was pretty cool, I got to see teachers that I haven’t seen in a few years, like Mrs. Busby and Mr. Christians and Mrs. Jackson.  Oh, and Mr. Gendreau too, don’t forget him.  We I spoke to his Reach students about High School, and answered their questions, it was cool.  animal rights club, i heart you :) So I got back to school, had ten minutes to spare before my next class started and then spent the rest of the day getting extra credit in maths.  After school we had the last Animal Rights Club meeting of the year, we had a bunch of food, thanks to everyone, and had fun with mock-awards, yearbook signing, rapping and stickers.  It’s been a good first-year for the club, I’m really glad I started it.  So here’s to you ARC!  :)

{don’t look down; Laura xx ♥ }

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