Trouble in the dreams again
"Chika boom boom boom. Laura is a Pie. She eats my, do you want some chia. She is my chai, do you want some pie, chia. I've been thinking of this for years, and Laura you could used this as your lyrics." Alex was just singing that right now, and it was so cute, I just had to type it up. I'm not on my laptop right now so I don't have the almighty blog editor that I have fallen head over heels with. Poop. So, new craze for everyone, dailybooth. ( the whole concept is a daily journal based on a picture taken by yourself (preferably on a webcam) the kind of sums up how you feel, what your doing or how your day went. It's like twitter, for camera whores (Thine self included). Rawr, going to Steafy's today, and I'm only bringing a little bit of cash because if we stop off anywhere then I know I'm going to spend all the money I can without hesitation. But I have a mantra, if you will. I'm not going to write it out, because it's stupid, but it may in fact keep me from spending money until I go to Urban or Wet Seal or Forever 21.
Grr! My mum just came home with a band spanking new, shiny iPhone and I'm insane with horrid jealousy. I wish I had an iPhone, because, well, I'm Laura, and I love technology. Seriously, I just have a knack for techy things. Throw a new phone my way and I'll know the ins and outs in an instant. And I may just be bitter, but, I have a 1GB iPod (yes, they do exist) and I text more than anyone in this house. I'm on the internet more than anyone in this house too! My mum goes online to check her email ever blue moon and to browse pictures of random people. But I am sadly always texting, tumbling, blogging, tweeting or something similar. So you understand how happy I would be if I had an iPhone?! ALMOST as happy as if I got my camera, but not quite. I guess she deserves it, whatever. I mean, I can appreciate it while she's using it I guess. But that poor iPhone will never know the wonders of Twitter Apps or it's full abilities. Sigh. I'll steal it from her when she's not looking. ;)

{ ugh ; Laura xx}
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