I put my faith in you , so much faith, and then you, just threw it away
Shalom! Today my mum and her friend Robin left to go the the cottage up north. Yawn, I had to do about 5 laundry baskets of laundry this morning, and now I have to fold it all… oh boy. Well, I’m going to procrastinate and write a blog post instead. Stefan is going on another Paramore listening hour, or two. Hallelujah is playing for about the fiftieth time this week, seriously, he can’t get enough of that song. At least he’s just listening to it and playing FIFA on the PS2 and not faux-drumming along to it on the Rock Band drum kit. That’s always a pain in the neck, especially his use of the bass pedal, it stomps so loudly! Oh wow, he’s playing some other music now. Magic. But it’s still pop punky stuff, I guess today is national Pop Punk Appreciation day according to Stefan. Well, I’m not doing anything today aside from more laundry (why do I have so many brothers?! Why?!) and babysitting. My mum went out to get coffee while I packed her bags, and I thought she was going to Starbucks,
so I told her to get my favourite summertime order. Grande single two pump sugar free vanilla soy iced white chocolate mocha with whip and caramel sauce. (Yes, it’s more sugar than coffee, but it’s the best thing I’ve had from them that contains coffee at all :) ). But she actually went to Biggby Coffee this is what happened:
Mum: Could I have a medium teddy bear, and a large black coffee. Also could I have a Grande single two pump sugar free vanilla soy iced white chocolate mocha with whip and caramel sauce?
Barista: Yep, yep…. wait, what?
Mum: Grande.. umm, medium… single shot with two pump sugar free vanilla syrup, soy milk, iced white chocolate mocha with whip cream and caramel sauce over it.
Barista: Two pump? :S
Mum: Two squirts of vanilla in it…
Barista: Ohhh! Wow, you like your coffee intricate.
Mum: It’s for my daughter…
Barista: Oh, wow, New Yorker?
Mum: Londoner ;)
Barista: Ohhh! Explains everything. Hope it’s up to par!
Yeah, my order gave the poor Biggby’s “Barista” a hard time, it was good training for her though. It was good, great actually, but Starbucks does it soooo much better. I have an idea! You should leave me a comment on this post with your coffee orders form Starbucks, Biggby’s, god, even Speedway if ya want! I’d love to know what everyone indulges in considering the coffee/tea world. xoxoxo
picture credits:
1st:Lisa at TSS click to view her stream on flickr
2nd:kenobiwanx click to view their stream on flickr
{ jump higher! ; Laura xx }
I think you should warn people not to drink speedway coffee, it makes you slide on black ice....