Saturday, October 17, 2009
[ i need you so much closer ]
It's been forever, but whatever.
I'm happy, I'm sad.
I'm up and down.
Everything is perfect and everything is wrong.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Oh, by the way
Monday, August 31, 2009
[ i always knew that i would end up with you ]

Well, did you know that there are over 12 million vegetarians in the United States? And it takes over 144 gallons of water to produce 1lbs of pork, as opposed to the 14 gallons it takes to produce 1lbs of grain. Amazing stuff. And 70% of the water on earth is used to hydrate cattle for consumption. That's a lot of water that we could be bottling up or moving across the oceans to people who need it! Today I made a vegetarian Lasagna. I used Morning Star Meal Starters ground beef replacement, spinach, tomato sauce, mushrooms, green peppers and ricotta cheese. Oh and some Parmesan and mozzarella. It was delish and everyone ate it all up! :] See, vegetarian food is yummy, so yummy that a house full of meat eaters can enjoy a vegetarian meal.
{ go veg ; Laura xx ♥}
Sunday, August 30, 2009
[ he’s a keeper definitely ]
forever and ever i’ll keep him safe
I’m in such an odd mood right now. Blah. I had so much fun with Steafene with weekend! We stayed up the entirety of the first night and we went on the paddle boat and paddled out to the middle of the Lake at 2am and then we slept for a bit on the water trampoline in the middle of the lake. After that, we went home and went for a bike ride to the school at cycled around the blacktop and wandered around until 5:30am. then we crashed on our beds and slept until noon. We had tons of fun. :)
Hahahaha! I love that cartoon strip, especially the funeral one! I’m just trying to upload the dozen of picture we took with my phone, and it’s taking an eternity! check out my tumblr! OrchidTea and look at all the lovely things I’ve posted. Alright then, i guess I[m going to go and eat supper now. I’ll write in the morning!
{ up high ; Laura xx lessthanthree}
Saturday, August 29, 2009
[ do you think about me now and then ]
keep making that platinum and gold for me
I don’t know why I bother writing my name at the top of these posts anymore. I mean, I’m the only one writing in here since Hannah disappeared. I have to write, draw and take amazing photos for an amazing person. Because I didn’t do what I wanted to do for them… because I fail at letter sending. I will do this though.
Haha, I really need to start writing more poetry, taking ore pictures, sewing more clothes, cleaning more rooms, making more money and doing more overall. I think it’s list time. I love to make lists and they always help me separate my thoughts and feel like I know what’s going on, what needs to be done, and when. I like to sort things out on paper because then I can just look at it and feel better about everything. I was looking through my wallet a while ago and I tend to have random things in there. I found a note that I had written myself and it just made me smile. So I think I’m going to write out another note for myself and hide it somewhere. Then I’ll avoid it and pull it out at some point and smile after reading it. I think I’ll go and draw something epic right now.
{ wait ; Laura xx [screw hearts]}
Friday, August 28, 2009
[ mad people worry never hurry ]
and now i see
Hi! I’m just about to go and finish packing for my weekend away with Steafene at Indian Lake. I have about 5 hours until I have to be all ready. And for once in a million years, I haven’t fully packed a day before. I really want to save my money. But I totally just spent $25 on shampoo and conditioner. Argh, I really wish I didn’t spend that money. But whatever, I’m definitely going to chill out and save my $120 that’s hidden away from my eyes and refuse to spend it. I hate money, I hate saving up for things and I hate how I want to buy so many things! It’ so frustrating!!! Anyone want to donate some cash to me? I’d love you forever! Ugh, I just handed over more money to my mummy, I’m screwed money-wise.
{ the sweetest thing ; Laura xx ♥}
Thursday, August 27, 2009
[ oh god I aint got no other place to hide ]
I can't write today... I just can't do it! Ugh, I'm not in a writing mood at all. I'm in a photographic fashion kind of mood but I'm going to stay true to my constant blogging and I will NOT give it up until school starts! I got invited to! :] My page is and if you go to it, you can see one of my favourite outfits. I can't wait until the 15th September when I get to see Cage the Elephant and Manchester Orchestra and Silversun Pickups. Argh! I'm totally not in a writing mood! I'm in a: fill out my application to Urban Outfitters and take more pictures for my lookbook and tumblr mood. So... here is a picture of a fox.

{ hello there; LAura xx ♥ }
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
[ take on me, take on me ]
I’ll be gone in a day
Hello hello hello. I started another tumblr. Orchid Tea, and I almost like it more than my own tumblr. So I have come to this conclusion. I will use for my own actual blogging and for those pictures that just make you think, or wonder the meaning of… or laugh, or cry. Or whatever.
Decode this message, or at least try. Do you want a hint? Okay then, read the italicized words only. Yeah, I know, quite the opposite as to what is written when you first read it. I made it up, and that’s probably why it isn’t very good. But Right now I’m waiting upon my mother so that I can bleach up my roots so that I don’t look like a badger skink monster for tomorrow. I love peroxide. :)
{ peroxide princess ; Laura xx ♥}
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
[ i am fine, i am fine, i am fine ]
i just need one hundred dollars
Good day everyone. Today I went with my grandma and my younger brothers to the University Club pool to go swimming and such. So we got there at about 1pm and left at about 5:15pm. So much swimming! So, we were chilling, swimming, playing guess who and eating cookies and milkshakes. Then, my little brother got a memory card game and we went to a picnic table and started playing. And guess what wonderful person came up to greet us! If you guessed David Dalen then you were right! (by the way, you can access his Twtter by clicking his name).
I’m going to finish writing this upstairs…. br. Okay, I'm upstairs right now and this is probably going to make this post look really screwed up. I'm on the phone with Steafene right now, she has a blog.... so, yeah. Go to it and enjoy her writing, alright? :) Hayley Williams is a meanie who psyched out her fans, no cool. I mean, it's a bit unrealistic to expect her to tweet her number but, really, come on. Anyway, Steafene is at a Baseball game and I can hear all the sounds in the background, it's like I'm there! I've never been to a baseball game. I need to bleach my hair tomorrow morning, so that I wont look like a freak in my yearbook picture. Ugh, I hope I don't look stupid... like the last 6 years haha. At least I'll see a whole bunch of people. Okay, I'm starving, bye!
{ shake it out ; Laura xx ♥ }
Monday, August 24, 2009
[ diagnostics are nothing ]
In need a miracle in my veins
Hey! I'm still listening to Manchester Orchestra, I know, I'm slightly addicted. Anyway, people seem to enjoy showing up to my house unannounced for some reason. Several times the neighbour has just walked in, some kids down the street like to show up and invite themselves in and other various people like to think they cam show up randomly when I'm obviously not looking my best. Which is a big pain in the ass. So we really need to remember to lock the door! I guess it's because everywhere I've lived the doors have locked by themselves and you just needed to double bolt the door before you went to bed. And we still haven't gotten used to it. But we need to, now.

{ take what you need; Laura xx ♥ }
Sunday, August 23, 2009
[ boy you're my temporary high ]
Listening to Beyonce once again. Plans were changed and I ended up staying over Brianna's house with Steafene. Fun though. We watched The Final Riot and it was amazing. "And that's why we have rolls!" best quote of the DVD. It took 3 hours for the DVD to finally work, but we waited it out and watched it all. I love Paramore, I love Josh, I love Hayley, I love Jeremy, I love Zac and I love Taylor. I really want to go to a meet and greet for Paramore. And Chiodos would be cool, I was technically at a Chiodos one but I was too busy keeping my spot in the front row.
I really like my outfit today, and I'm sorry if I'm tooting my own horn, but ah well. I'm wearing charcoal grey tights, dark blue denim short shorts with a black tank top, a white with black pinstripes Claiborne dress shirt with a wide black belt, high waisted of course, pearls and my pink Keds. Oh and I fixed my Ray Bans.
I'm listening to Manchester Orchestra right now, they make me happy. Click 'Listen' on the widget just over there to hear some of their new tracks. I really want to go and see them in concert in September. Apparently they are going to be in Grand Rapids pretty soon and I would really love to go and see them. I wish that they would come back to Mac's Bar again though.
{ sit down again ; Laura xx ♥ }
Saturday, August 22, 2009
[ visiting time is over ]
Trouble in the dreams again
"Chika boom boom boom. Laura is a Pie. She eats my, do you want some chia. She is my chai, do you want some pie, chia. I've been thinking of this for years, and Laura you could used this as your lyrics." Alex was just singing that right now, and it was so cute, I just had to type it up. I'm not on my laptop right now so I don't have the almighty blog editor that I have fallen head over heels with. Poop. So, new craze for everyone, dailybooth. ( the whole concept is a daily journal based on a picture taken by yourself (preferably on a webcam) the kind of sums up how you feel, what your doing or how your day went. It's like twitter, for camera whores (Thine self included). Rawr, going to Steafy's today, and I'm only bringing a little bit of cash because if we stop off anywhere then I know I'm going to spend all the money I can without hesitation. But I have a mantra, if you will. I'm not going to write it out, because it's stupid, but it may in fact keep me from spending money until I go to Urban or Wet Seal or Forever 21.
Grr! My mum just came home with a band spanking new, shiny iPhone and I'm insane with horrid jealousy. I wish I had an iPhone, because, well, I'm Laura, and I love technology. Seriously, I just have a knack for techy things. Throw a new phone my way and I'll know the ins and outs in an instant. And I may just be bitter, but, I have a 1GB iPod (yes, they do exist) and I text more than anyone in this house. I'm on the internet more than anyone in this house too! My mum goes online to check her email ever blue moon and to browse pictures of random people. But I am sadly always texting, tumbling, blogging, tweeting or something similar. So you understand how happy I would be if I had an iPhone?! ALMOST as happy as if I got my camera, but not quite. I guess she deserves it, whatever. I mean, I can appreciate it while she's using it I guess. But that poor iPhone will never know the wonders of Twitter Apps or it's full abilities. Sigh. I'll steal it from her when she's not looking. ;)

{ ugh ; Laura xx}
Friday, August 21, 2009
[ sweet dream, or a beautiful nightmare ]
either way I don't wanna wake up from you
Hi! How is everyone doing today? I just got back form Denny's and I'm really full right now. I was playing the Sims 3 earlier and my sim is pregnant! Woot woot! haha, she starting throwing up and complaining of back pain and such. So I sent her off to the spa. I don't think I play Sims honestly anymore. I always cave in and find some cheats for money and work maybe one day a week. So unlike real life, but it's fun to just be lazy and rich. ;)

{ so close ; Laura xx ♥}
Thursday, August 20, 2009
[ ‘cause i confide in wolves at night ]
well have you seen my baby girl?
Okay, before I really say anything about today, let me see this.My bestie, Steafene, is writing an incredibly amazing story, and I think you should check it out, and the rest of her blog while you’re at it.
I’m starting to write a story too, and the working title right now is: Letters From October. I love the month October, and I love what I’ve written so far. I’ve been reading such books as Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Octavian Nothing and my descriptive writing has just increased in descriptive ten fold. Well, I just went to the neighbours a little while ago and fed the cat and popped the little kitty a purple pill because she had been bitten by something and needs meds, poor thing. Well, the couple down the road want me to babysit for them tomorrow morning, but I’m really tired of their short notice requests for my services. I mean, the kids are fine, loud, ADD and hyperactive, but… fine. The thing is, I like my air conditioning and a rest at least once and hour when I’m looking after kids. But with kids it’s up and go for hours on end. But then again… money :).
{ dream ; Laura xx ♥ }
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
[ swapping out passport photos ]
im a romantic
Today I watched some telly with my mum, and we spent over an hour complaining about all the stupid medical mistakes they made in the show Royal Pains. The show is pure drama, not medical, it’s dumb. So we laughed at the stupid drama of it, and the CSI: Miami feel of the whole thing. Then we watched Addicted to Beauty and laughed at all the plastic surgery hags. They all have the same face! Here, take a look at one of the most well known cases of SHD (Surgery Hag Disease).
Janice Dickinson was pretty once! Can you believe it! She had beautiful, full lips, flawless skin, gorgeous eyes and a great body. Now, she has immovable duck bill lips, stretched out forehead, huge cheek bones, and two collagen filled balls on her chest. Now, does she actually look younger? No, not at all, in fact, she looks old and nasty and plastic. Plastic surgery is a curse that is found in the same places as palm trees, beaches and celebrities.
In other news, I just went over to go check on the neighbours cat, she’s fine, and adorable. She’s loud though, wont stop meowing for a second. Hmmm, I’m going to figure out another inventive use for Firm Tofu now. I did a stir fry the other day, now it’s time for some other protein filled snack. :)
{ hello sunshine ; Laura xx ♥ }
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
[ i stu stu stutter when you ask me what im thinking bout ]
i can't wait to see you again
Hiya! So, today wasn’t really a busy day, I just did lots of laundry and cleaning. I listened to a crap load of music too, especially Josh Farro stuff, because I’m an obsessed lunatic. Haha, just kidding. I’m also in love with Jimmy Robbins, just for the record. I mean, how can you NOT love that picture?! It’s beyond cute! Yeah, well today my neighbours asked me if I would look after their cat for $5 a day while they go on a little trip somewhere. yay! More money! I’ve decided that I really want to get some grey pirate style boots in time for winter. I can’t find exactly what I want though, which is sad. I can’t wait for this blog to be finished because I’m actually excited to start my tumblr account blog thing. I also just a dailybooth account. Because that’s the name I use for everything. This post is going to be record short… maybe. Well, for me anyways. Hannah can get away with a sentence or two lol. Je t’aime!
{ smile! ; Laura ♥ }
Monday, August 17, 2009
[ i am not overly concerned ]
for one time only, make an exception
Hi! It’s my cat, Kaspyrs, birthday today! He’s a gorgeous 3 year old Ragdoll Birman kitty, and I love him! I stayed up late last night and still didn’t find time to write in my diary, ops. I’m listening to this amazing song called Day Old Hate by City and Colour. Beautiful song, seriously, i love this band so much. Check out this scam that I was sent: (Click the picture to see it bigger).
It made me laugh out loud. It’s seriously stupid, but funny. i downloaded some amazingly amazing songs the other day, and I woe up, went downstairs, plugged my iPod (as crappy as it is) into my stereo and started bouncing around and cleaning the house. I did a poop ton of laundry, dishes, hoovered and other stuff. :P And now I really want to make some food, I have some Tofu in the refrigerator, waiting to be cut up, marinated and popped in a stir-fry. Maybe with green beans, brown long grain rice, various vegetables. I realise now that people would rather read shorter, sweeter posts, so, if this applies to you, today is your lucky day.
{ nothing is here ; Laura xx ♥ }
Sunday, August 16, 2009
[ i’ll meet you in the fog ]
i bought a tea leaf to find out where you are
Bless my times two! I just sneezed twice, ugh. Listening to Fog by Mason Proper. I love that band so much. Ug, I’m just sitting on the sofa right now with my two brothers, the third one is downstairs. Oh wait, now he’s here bugging me, singing the words to this song all wrong on purpose, grrrr. I’ve been pretty lazy with picture crediting lately, so i’ll do it properly today. I’m editing some photographs right now, but they wont be on my flickr because I don’t really like to put self portraits up on my Flickr, no matter how vain I am haha. I just god a really horrible, terrible picture taken of me. I’m really hungry, but I’m debating between riblets and a chik’n burger. or maybe I’ll cook up some vegetarian enchiladas, those were really good the last time I made them. Or maybe I should just eat something small seeing as my uncle should be here soon, hmmph. I dunno, I guess I’ll just eat something now and stop debating with myself over my own blog. Bye!
Picture credits:
1st:Dante Laurini Jr click to view his stream on flickr
{ get money ; Laura xx }
Saturday, August 15, 2009
[ here we go, go , go go again ]
and you never say what you mean
Hello there! Today was a very fun-filled day. But I am truly exhausted, and I just want to get in my warm blanket and blast the air con, but I wont, because that’s wasteful.
I’d be your eternal best friend if you go to my YouTube page, subscribe, rate and watch my videos! I’m planning on making another one, Mason Proper maybe? I don’t know, you should tell me via comments what I should do. Paramore possibly? (Yes, Steafene, Paramore ;) ). So, I started babysitting really early today, and got off of work at 8pm. And well, I was babysitting, and Cyrus randomly came over (coffee in hand) and hung out with me (and the kids) for a while. Then…. the kids parental units came home, dun dun dun. But, it was cool, they didn’t care, and that’s why today was sweet. Tomorrow I get another day off, woot woot! I’m so happy, I get to wake up when I please and I get to go and eat yummy food at my Uncle’s house. Holler! Well, I’m going to go and talk to some folks. Bye!
{ hot potato ; Laura xx ♥}
Friday, August 14, 2009
[ why am i wearing your class ring? ]
shake the glitter off your clothes now
Hello beauties! I’m an a really really good mood today. I got up early as heck, went to go and babysit, took the little ones to the aquatic center, ran into two very funny people, went home, hung out with those two very funny people for a while, then they left, I continued to babysit, watched a movie with the kids, then got paid! Yay! Laura had money! :) I really want to go and spend it all, right now, at Urban Outfitters. But I wont, because I really want to save up for my gorgeous camera that I will cherish forever. That’s right, forever. I’ll take probably half a million pictures and post them on my Flickr and my Tumblr all day, every day. I got soaking wet today, and not because of the pool.
Because some mean people like to chase after poor little girls and pick them up against their will and carry them over to their accomplice with the hose. Grrrrrrrr! It was a lot of fun though. I’m in a really good mood right now, and seeing my gorgeous desktop background just makes me even happier. I’m really hungry though, so I think I’m going to go and fetch me a well deserved snack! Actually a meal, that would be nice… mmm, veggie burger. Alright, I’ll be back soon, alright?! Okay, I’m back, and I’m sitting here with a yummy veggie burger, with ginger and spices. With hot sauce and a glass of cold vanilla soy milk. Perfection. I’m so happy I got paid today, and I’m working again tomorrow at around 6:45am, I know it’s early, but that just means more money. Alright, I need to go and eat this food, bye!
{ have fun ; Laura xx ♥ }
{I've got troubled thoughts and a self esteem to match}
Thursday, August 13, 2009
[ i put you in my pocket ]
you asked if we could grow old together
Listening to Mrs.. Nash and her songs of bananas and pockets. Guess what happened today?! Ignorance, the new single by Paramore on their new album, Brand New Eyes.
Pretty sweet, no? Sorry it’s not a great version,but I tried to embed the MTV version, but it wasn’t working out for me. It’s a good ‘ol Paramore video with a more serious approach. The light bulb is a nice touch, don’t you think? ;) I watched the video 3 times I think, and took about have a million screenshots, here is one of them: Oh, What a Catch Donnie by Fall Out Boy also got it’s own music video the other day, but I don’t really think it’s that great, so, meh. Today is a musical day off for me, and I’m loving it. I can’t wait to get my lovely money on Friday, mmmm, money.
There’s you daily dose of animal rights for you! If you were planning on going to the circus, think again! This is a rather media filled blog post, isn’t it? Did you know that Josh Farro, of Paramore sings and writes his own songs? Most of them are perfect songs to fall asleep to, they’re so mellow and slow, and sad. Well, I’m going to head off now, bye!
{ just the same; Laura xx ♥}
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
[ all the yes men said ‘no comment’ ]
I wanna scream ‘i love you’ from the top of my lungs, but I’m afraid that someone else will hear me
Yes! I get a day off tomorrow! Wow, working is hard work! Running after tireless children all day, jumping around on a trampoline, breaking up fight, being a kid takes up a lot of energy! Wow, Black Eyed Peas are playing right now, and I am so sick of Boom Boom Pow. I’m definitely sleeping in tomorrow, I need it! My old cheerleading coach from 8th grade really wants me to join the team this year and said I could do varsity. Ha! Cheerleading, wow, well, I sort of promised myself that I wouldn’t do it in High School due to the possibility of being labeled a cheerleader, again. But the cheerleaders at our school are nothing like the stereotypical movie ones. I was told a really sad story by a little girl today, so heartbreaking. It made me so angry, sad, confused and pissed ff, all at once. People can be so horrible, so mean, so thoughtless. Ugh, it really did make me upset, stupid people. Well, I do get a day off tomorrow, and my mum is leaving for New York tomorrow too. She’ll only be gone a few days, but ah well. I wish I was going to New York. I’m getting paid on Friday! Can’t wait! And I’m saving up for my camera, it’s taking forever! But I also want to go shopping. Well, I’m off to go on for some ‘shopping’. Peace!
{ peace again ; Laura xx ♥}
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
[ what’s my offense this time? ]
you treat me just like another stranger
I WILL fix this, I just don’t want to miss out on a day, aright?! I’m so close to the end, but yet so far. I’m in love:
Isn’t that adorable?! I love it, it’s so silly, he’s so silly. Well, I got to home early today! Yay! They got off of work early so I’m home now. Time seems to fly when I’m home and not looking after those kids, I mean they’re lovely but, geez, I’m tired. Just got off of the phone with my dad, t’was nice talking to him :) I can’t wait to see my sister next year! (Yes, I know, a whole year away, ah well.). But, I’m going to keep this short because I don’t really have anything to write, and I’m tired. Pay Day on Friday! ;)
{ rawrrawr ; Laura xx ♥}
Monday, August 10, 2009
[ drink down this gin and kerosene ]
nothing comes as easy as you
Hey! I had a pretty good day today, I woke up at 6:30am, took my time, and then made my way to the house down the street where I babysit. They originally wanted me to do 14 hours. but they got off work early, so I ended up working more like 6 hours. But tomorrow, I have to get there at 8:30 and be there for a long, long, long time. God bless hourly rates. They're paying me this Friday and I am sooo excited! If ou are reading this and it's unformatted, I am sorry, my mum is on the computer right now, looking at lovely houses in Twickenham (where we used to live) and gawking at the amazing pools, roof terraces and such. But as usual, I will fix it later.
{ mew ; Laura xx ♥}
Sunday, August 9, 2009
[ so it’s not just gonna happen like that ]
i aint no hollaback girl
Hiya! I got back from the charity race, Leg It For Life, a while ago, and watched the curios case of Benjamin Button with my mum. The T-Shirts are yellow and look like they say : Legit For Life, it’s kind of funny. Well, I’m sorry for the very short post yesterday, but I was really tired, and I needed sleep. It took me forever to get to sleep last night anyways. I got into bed at around 8:50pm but didn’t end up falling asleep until almost 12:00am! But I am wide awake right now and I feel like hopping on my bike and going for another bike ride. I rode my bike to the Soccer Complex this morning so I could get the the race thing on time. It was fun, I was paired up with Catie and we had quite a bit of fun. I know, I know, I promised a bigger, better entry today, but you know what, I just don’t feel like it right now. This blog has lost it’s oomph this week, sorry about that. Well, I’m going to go and get something to eat. I had one bagel and some grapes but nothing else, so I think I’ll go and eat some rice or something along those lines. My brothers are still up north right now, so they’ll be coming home soon! I sort of miss them, even though I only saw them yesterday. I might write later, maybe. Bye!
{ :) ; Laura xx ♥}
Saturday, August 8, 2009
[ when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie ]
Hello there! I know, I know, yucky unformatted post. That only means one thing, I don't have access to the laptop, God bless my OX. Well, I just had a shower with a hot oil conditioning treatment for my hair and a brown sugar body scrub. I feel invigorated. We went shopping today, and spend hundreds of dollars (over 400) on groceries. Wow, we sure can shop! So we are now stocked up for the next hundred years. And if a war were to occur right outside, we'd have enough tinned food to last us. I am VERY tired right now because I was woken up every hour last night. And so, seeing as I have to wake up at 7am tomorrow, I am going to go to bed soon. But tomorrow, I promise you a beautiful post, much longer than this one.
{ GOODNIGHT!!! ; Laura xx ♥ }
Friday, August 7, 2009
[ hold you through the night and watch that colorado sunshine ]
see your face lit by starlight
Ahhh! Sleepover at Hannah’s grandma’s house! Our first sleepover together, which is really odd considering the fact that we have known each other for so long! But we indulged on vegan food and had pretty much an awesome time together, but, of course, I wouldn’t expect any less! I’m listening to some awesome music right now, Joey would appreciate it. Speaking of, I need to decipher a plan to go to Joeys house, because, since ma mere’s fab news, we’ll all be going to the cottage this weekend. This isn’t a bad thing, well, it sort of is, because i made semi-plans with Joey to hang out and watch Father Ted episodes with Wheat Thins and gourmet coffee. Hmm, this is also going to be a rather short entry, because I have to leave the house soon. I’ve been fairly bust lately so the formatting of all these posts has sort of gone down hill. That’s another reason why Tumblr is the way to go! Automatic formatting. And instead of using lyrics and such as titles, I'll just post whatever I want, and the quotes, conversations and whatever, will automatically be formatted as I please, in a loverly clean, girly design. Oh, my mother is calling me, so that’s my queue to go, and so I shall have to get my stuff and go. Once again, like every other mini trip I take, I will fix up all this posting when I get back. Bye!
{ rawr rawr rawr ; Laura xx ♥ }
Thursday, August 6, 2009
[ but i don't know who ii wanna be ]
i must ravel down the unforsaken road
Hiya! Well, I went for a jog today and then came home (a smidgen late, sorry mum) and took a shower. Then my mum came home and wasn’t pissed off at me for getting home late, because, well, I don’t want to post my life on here (even though I pretty much have), but let’s just say, that she is now much happier considering work. So I’m sitting here drinking yummy grapefruit juice and eating Bruscette alle olive! This shows the brain of a patient with MS, multiple sclerosis. Someone in my family was diagnosed with this recently and everyone has been very concerned and scared. I have read countless pamphlets, leaflets and informational booklets. Some have scared me, others reassured me, and the rest confused me further. It’s such a complicated matter, that I refuse to blog my feelings out. So I shall leave this post short and sweet. :)
{ dare to love ; Laura xx ♥}
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
[ it got blurry ‘cause i’d had enough ]
want my girls heart or her pearls
Hello there! I woke up this morning with immediate Twitter-Rage. Argh! Stupid Twitter, I hate it for so many reasons, but I love it too. But I don’t think I will be using it as often as I was. But maybe, this is a good thing. It will help me get over my twisted ways of communication. It’s not healthy at all!
this guy some really amazing work. I think you should check it out! Click on the picture or the link below. I’m going swimming today, and then we’re throwing a birthday party for my younger brothers. (Lucky kids get a birthday week.) So they had presents yesterday, swimming, party and more presents today, and Friday they go up north. Oh to be eight again. My birthday wasn’t nearly as eventful. I just did what normal people do most days of summer, go out with friends, see a movie, hang out downtown and go home. Not very interesting, I know. I didn’t even have a birthday cake on my birthday, oh and my grandma came over the next day with a few presents stating:
I forgot it was your birthday, but it’s your mothers fault because she didn’t call to remind me.
Excuse me Grandma!? Apparently she can remember my brother’s birthday, Obamas birthday, her own birthday, but not my birthday, oh so confusing. Whatever, I’m wayyyy over that though, I mean, my birthday was in the beginning of June! Just, having more birthdays coming up reminded me of mine. Well, I have to do some cleaning up before I leave, so, bye!
picture credit:
1st: tsevis click to view their stream on flickr
{ yaaawwwwnnn ; Laura xx ♥}
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
[ wednesday mornings turn to endless nights]
corridors screaming, breath of fresh air
Another cute cat related video for you today. I was just on and this shoed up, and, well, I couldn’t help myself. Ooooh, i got a Tumblr account. (If I haven’t told you already), but I’m not going to use it until school starts up again. I started this summer blog with Hannah, and I’m going to finish it. Wow, I’m making vegetarian enchiladas and they are really spicy, yum!! But the sauce I’ve made to put over the top is from a sweeter pepper and hot sauce. I’m just waiting for the oven to heat up do I an pop them in and bake them. They are going to be yummy! My grandma gave me this book called The Soloist and it’s actually really good. I think anyone who needs for summer reading should give it a try.Also, considering my KFC protest, if anyone has some good ideas for a chant we could use, that would be cool. Just comment down at the bottom of this post. (click the word comments). Now, I would love to stay and chat but I have to finish making food, go for a run, read and draw. Oh, and I started a new diary the night before last. It’s looking pretty and amazing. :) I love starting new things; new notebooks, new diaries, new blogs, new sites. It’s just fresh and clean and…. lovely. Oh wow, after I post this post, it will be the 87th post I’ve made (But it will be the 93rd post including Hannah’s). Which means…. we started this blog about 88 days ago (because the first post isn’t listed on my blog editor as I posted it at school, oh that means, I have done 88!). Well, I really do have to get going now!
{ shine on again ; Laura xx ♥}
Monday, August 3, 2009
[ and still no one knows how you got home]
Brightened you day a bit, no? Well, today I decided that I’d post a video instead of a picture form Flickr. Wow, I started writing this and then walked away form it for 4 hours!!! Wow. Well, I am planning a protest/demonstration against KFC in September. is sending me a big ol’ supply kit with signs etc. I’ve already got 4 conformations and I just announced it 6 minutes ago! I have a feeling this will be fun! One of my friends offered to dress up in a chicken suit or something of the kind. So we will protest against scalded alive birds who live horrible lives. Roll clip….jay kay. Those are too gruesome for our blog thanks. There will be petitions, costumes, signs, flies and chants! I can’t wait! I have a feeling that the animal rights club shall be awesome this year! More recognition, more protests, more members and more food! Can I get a high five? Ha-ha, thanks. ;)
Steafene: “Laura, you’re just a natural blogger ;) ”
{ go veg!; Laura xx ♥}
Sunday, August 2, 2009
[ back to when i was seven years old ]
covered in glitter and smooth lines
Four words: Vegan Coconut Cream Pie. Amazing. My mum just now got back form her one day holiday to Clifford Lake and she brought me back a huge slice of vegan pie from the Clifford Lake Hotel. It’s really amazing, it has so much coconut in it! And I’m not a really but coconut fan but this pie just made my taste buds very, very happy. Why have I been talking about food so much these past few posts?! Maybe because these past few days have been filled with hours of babysitting, in which I’ve submerged myself in some good old Food Network. Isn’t that kitty adorable? Well, I think so, I love it’s eyes, how one is half closed, so cute. I’m having a really good day today, I don’t know why, but I am, and it’s really nice :). I was thinking about Tumblr again last night. I want to get one, but I’ll miss using this blog editor… unless…. hmmm, I may be able to use it for Tumblr too. We’ll find out. But if I can’t, then I might stick to Blogger, just maybe. Stefan is off playing a show today, yay! And my mum has to wake up in 10 minutes to go to work. so, again, I will be babysitting. Story of my life. I need to babysit for some money, soon!! D’accord, I shall go now, and figure out what to do about my blog predicament. Lots of love!
picture credits
1st:simple moth click to view their stream on flickr
{ asjdfkl ; Laura xx ♥}
Saturday, August 1, 2009
[ so what did you think I would say? ]
I put my faith in you , so much faith, and then you, just threw it away
Shalom! Today my mum and her friend Robin left to go the the cottage up north. Yawn, I had to do about 5 laundry baskets of laundry this morning, and now I have to fold it all… oh boy. Well, I’m going to procrastinate and write a blog post instead. Stefan is going on another Paramore listening hour, or two. Hallelujah is playing for about the fiftieth time this week, seriously, he can’t get enough of that song. At least he’s just listening to it and playing FIFA on the PS2 and not faux-drumming along to it on the Rock Band drum kit. That’s always a pain in the neck, especially his use of the bass pedal, it stomps so loudly! Oh wow, he’s playing some other music now. Magic. But it’s still pop punky stuff, I guess today is national Pop Punk Appreciation day according to Stefan. Well, I’m not doing anything today aside from more laundry (why do I have so many brothers?! Why?!) and babysitting. My mum went out to get coffee while I packed her bags, and I thought she was going to Starbucks,
so I told her to get my favourite summertime order. Grande single two pump sugar free vanilla soy iced white chocolate mocha with whip and caramel sauce. (Yes, it’s more sugar than coffee, but it’s the best thing I’ve had from them that contains coffee at all :) ). But she actually went to Biggby Coffee this is what happened:
Mum: Could I have a medium teddy bear, and a large black coffee. Also could I have a Grande single two pump sugar free vanilla soy iced white chocolate mocha with whip and caramel sauce?
Barista: Yep, yep…. wait, what?
Mum: Grande.. umm, medium… single shot with two pump sugar free vanilla syrup, soy milk, iced white chocolate mocha with whip cream and caramel sauce over it.
Barista: Two pump? :S
Mum: Two squirts of vanilla in it…
Barista: Ohhh! Wow, you like your coffee intricate.
Mum: It’s for my daughter…
Barista: Oh, wow, New Yorker?
Mum: Londoner ;)
Barista: Ohhh! Explains everything. Hope it’s up to par!
Yeah, my order gave the poor Biggby’s “Barista” a hard time, it was good training for her though. It was good, great actually, but Starbucks does it soooo much better. I have an idea! You should leave me a comment on this post with your coffee orders form Starbucks, Biggby’s, god, even Speedway if ya want! I’d love to know what everyone indulges in considering the coffee/tea world. xoxoxo
picture credits:
1st:Lisa at TSS click to view her stream on flickr
2nd:kenobiwanx click to view their stream on flickr
{ jump higher! ; Laura xx }
Friday, July 31, 2009
[ these children learn from: ]
cigarette burns, fast cars, fast women and cheap drinks
Went running today. A nice run too. Also, I went for a bile ride this morning to go and fetch some cat food. Kaspyr was very angry at me for walking into the kitchen and not feeding him, he thought I was unaware that he was out of food. I felt bad, so I dropped everything and got my bike and went down the road to the shops for some food. When I got back I continued to make vegetable soup with bruschetta topped with olive oil and tomatoes. So my cat and I sat at the table and munched on our food together. Oh I love my cat. Today, after I did all of that, I did some major cleaning of the house. I can now see the floor of the closet, my rooms smells like vanilla, (wait, it always does) and I could eat right of the kitchen counter if I wanted, but I don’t. I think Hannah should come over so we can bake cookies together, and drink tea afterwards, that would be nice, no? Well, I’m sorry that this post is so very short, but I haven’t played Sims 3 in about a week and I think I’m due for a little relaxing time. Oh, my mum just went out with her friend Robin a second ago, which reminds me, she' passed her tests at school today and just submitted her Mythology final! Three cheers for mum! ;) Well, Adios mes amigos!
picture credits:
1st:darwin70 click to view their stream on flickr
{ asjfd ; Laura xx hearts}
Thursday, July 30, 2009
[only because everyone knows… ]
that a romantic cliché, makes the best debut
Hello! How are you today? I’m going to go for a run later. I need to start that up again. I’ve just been doing cardio and yoga lately, I’m due for a run. Alright, so today, I had some yummy Raisin Bran Crunch for brekkie and I’m going to indulge in an amazing falafel salad with chickpeas, spring onion and other yummy veggies. Ma mere went out today and got some more vanilla soy, yay! Last night when I made some chocolate chip cookies, I has frustrated because we didn’t have any Silk Soy Milk… vanilla. ;) It’s the best stuff in the world. Speaking of food, I’ll tell you about all the other wonderful things I’ve bought recently…
- Spinach and soy cheese spring rolls
- half a trillion mushroom lovers burgers
- half a million Asian Spice burgers
- some good ol’ fakin bacon
- A few baked soft pretzels (sans salt) stuffed with spinach and artichoke (mmm)
- And a few more boxes of Spinach and Artichoke Veggie Bites from Morning Star
Yes, I like Spinach and Artichoke, if you couldn’t guess. So, with all of these wonderful choices, I need to decide upon what to have for supper… the spinach and soy cheese rolls (maybe with a side of rice and steamed veggies) is looking good right now. Enough talk about food, on with other news aside from what’s inside my freezer/refrigerator. I made a dress today… yep, a Kate Nash style dress. I used a dark sea-blue poly-cotton for the skirt and for the bust, I used this dainty little floral fabric. I haven’t put straps on it yet because I can’t decide upon straps or sleeves. They would be short sleeves, maybe bubbled or bunched. Hmmm.
Well, there’s the picture down there, you can’t really see the dress too well, but you can get a general feel for it, oui? I guess I’m pretty handy with the sewing machine that my grandma gave me. Considering the fact that it’s from the 70’s and hasn’t been used in over eight years, I think I did a pretty good job with it. I just need to fix the hemming on the skirt and then it will be 100% finished. :D
picture credits:
1st:i just found it in my files on my computer
2nd:♥ Moa Maria
3rd: me :) (on my facebook account)
{peace and love ; Laura xx ♥}
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
[ this time we’re not giving up ]
& we’ve got nothing but time on our hands
This is probably one of the most adorable videos I have ever seen. I’ve decided that I want her! A little brunette French fille. She has the biggest, cutest, brown eyes and little bob of hair.
Look at the other related videos too, there’s one where she stole some sweets and is telling her mum to help her hide from her dad. So cute! Stefan is playing along to Hallelujah by Paramore on the drums. He’s gotten quiet good at it too! Steafene, Stefan and I are going to do Battle of the Bands together. We’re still trying to decide upon which songs to do. Kate Nash, Fall Out Boy, Paramore and some other bands have grabbed our attention recently. We’ll see what will happen though. I’m about to go make a yummy vegan mushroom lovers burger with saffron hummus and whole wheat pita bread. I’ve been experimenting with different different spices for hummus and last week i stumbled upon some Saffron we had in out cupboard, so I threw it in, added some garlic and other herbs (that I've been growing in my garden) and BANG, amazing, delicious hummus to top of my burger. :) I just got a bunch of forms in the post today, applications for the coming school year… woot woot. Alright, Let me go and fill ‘em out. xoxoxo
{ hoot hoot ; Laura xx ♥ }
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
[you talk about day, you talk about night time]
you dance, with your little leather boots on
I’m back at home now after a fun-filled double-sleepover with Steafene. It was lots of fun, and now I’m munching on a fudgesicle…however you spell it. I just have one question from our sleepover…. WHY DID WE SLEEP IN A CAR!? We are so silly! I saw Manchester Orchestra on the telly today. The song was I Have Friends, not their best, but whatever. That’s a picture of me with black hair. It’s not real though, it’s a weave, and eight dollar weave to be precise lol. Well, I asked people what they thought, and the standings are as follows:
For | Against |
|| |
So that’s 15 and counting in favour of my black hair and 2 against the idea. I think I’ll go for the pink though, I’ve wanted les cheveux rose for a really long time. And some people can get away with it. Like the amazing Audrey Kitching. She doesn’t look like a hoe/tramp/etc. and her hair is all over pink pink pink. But, she’s a stunning model who runs around with pretty dresses, shoes and make-up. And I run around in dresses and heels. Blah, I just feel like I need to do something with my hair… because I’ve been blonde for so long, I want something new. Any Ideas anyone? Comments would be cool. ;) see ya!
Picture Credits:
1st: me
2nd: Google
{ meow ; Laura xx ♥ }
Monday, July 27, 2009
[ the roads are wrapped, around your waist ]
Okay, so I'm sleeping over Steafene's house another day now. Yay! So this post is (yet again) going to be un-formatted and not as gorgeous as I could make it because, well, not everyone has my amazing blog editor. ;) Steafene and I did something rather... strange... last night. But, really, come on, what would you expect?! Basically,

{ happy yet? ; Laura xx ♥}
Sunday, July 26, 2009
[ let’s just stop, drop everything ]
the best, not to mention the worst idea, that i have ever had
Good morning! I’m up before noon on a Sunday morning. Go me! My brothers are sitting with me right now, and annoying the heck outta me! But they are boys,and boys will be boys… I guess. Shout out to Steafene for making it through last night, I love you! Poor Steafene. I’m doing a quiz right now with my little brother Alex… shall I post it? okay!
A - Age: Laura: 16 Alex: 8
B - Laura: single Alex: twin
C - Chore you hate: Laura: doing the dishes Alex: cleaning my room
D - Dog's name: Laura: Alfie Alex: I don't have a dog
E - Essential to start your day: Laura: Washing my face,brushing teeth Alex: opening my eyes and watching tv
F - Favorite color: Laura:PINK Alex:GREEN
G - Gold or Silver: Laura: Silver Alex: Silver
H - Height: Laura:5 foot 1 Alex: 4 foot
I - Instruments you play(ed): Laura: a bit of bass ;) Alex: drums
J - Job title: Laura:babysitter/student Alex:annoying people
K - Kid(s): Laura: nope Alex: nope
L - Living arrangements: Laura: i live with my mum Alex: same
M - Mom's name: Laura & Alex: Deirdre(deer-dra)
N - Nicknames: Laura: Laurahhhhhhh!!!! Alex:Nanner, Bannana, Danner, Earth Head....
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Laura: Yes,for pneumonia Alex: Yes, breathing problems
P - Pet Peeve: Laura: knuckle cracking Alex: Sneeze and don't cover
Q - Quote from a movie: Laura: "Now when I get the sun, I smile. " Alex: "Now that we're men, I changed my underwear"
R - Right or left handed: Laura:right Alex: let me see, right I think
S - Siblings: Laura: Cillian,Rebecca, Alex, Stefan, Adrian Alex: Laura, Stefan and Adrian
T - Time you wake up: Laura:it varies a lot Alex: 7 o'clock
U- Underwater or up in the air: Laura: In the Air, I can breathe there lol Alex:underwater
V - Vegetable you dislike: Laura:idk, i like most Alex: spinach
W - Ways you run late: Laura: waking up late Alex:mum wakes up late
X - X-rays you've had: Laura: Lungs Alex: lungs
Y - Yummy food you make: Laura: cake/cookies Alex: i help make cake and cookies with Laura
Z - Zoo favorite: Laura: llama glamas lol Alex: tiger
Off to Steafene’s house latah! Bye!
{ say maybe ; Laura xx ♥ }
Saturday, July 25, 2009
[ i threw darts at a spinning globe]
stain my teeth with more red wine. I’m a romantic, but never pearly white.
Good day everyone… my mum didn’t get off the computer before I went to bed, so I just fixed yesterday’s post right now. Yesterday I went to Hannah’s and we hung out for a while. Today, I’ll having a water gun fight with mes frères and making some yummy vegetarian food. Then tomorrow will be an amazing day because I’ll be off to Steafene’s. Ugh my space bar is spazzing out and making this post a chore. Ick! Alex just handed me some crushed ice but it tastes like chardonnay! What the heck?! I wish my spacebar wouldn’t be so stupid. ☂ haha it’s an umbrella… I don’t know why, but it is. I feel like watching some mindless television right now. I actually don’t feel like doing anything. My phone is finally working so I’m just chatting to Steafene and drinking cream soda. French manicure tomorrow! Yay! ;) Oh no, The Kooks just started playing on Stefan’s iPod. Once I start listening to them, I just can’t stop. But the iPod is on the other side of the room plugged into the stereo and I’m far too comfy sitting here to bother turning on The Kooks playlist, so I’ll just leave it on shuffle. I’m going to keep this post short because I have some things to finish up before I can relax. I did some errands this morning with my mum, but I think I mentioned that already, ah well. Ciao!
Picture Credits:
1st: scooterboi click to view their stream on flickr!
{ tell me the truth ; Laura xx ♥ }
Friday, July 24, 2009
[ hip hop you saved my life ]
i try to make it like the sights on TV
hello! Sorry about the ugliness of this post, mum is hogging the computer right now so I have to make due with my ox 'laptop' that I haven't used in a while. I went to Hannah's grandma's today. We went out to eat at Sultan's, yummy. I got lots of yummy vegetarian food, like falafel and hummus and baba gannouche... however you spell that. I can't wait to go over to Steafene's house on Sunday, I haven't been over there in a really long time. Lately it's either been Brianna's house, concerts, my house and everywhere BUT Steafene's house. Oh, I forgot to mention.... Steafene got her car a little while back! Yay! We have a car! Ad her name is Hayley. ;) I'll add a picture to this post and fix it up all nice and pretty when ma mere gets off Sims 3 and does something more productive.
I kind of want an ice lolly right now, but I'm stuffed from going out to eat with Hannah and her Anglophile grandmother and grandfather. :)
Oh my days I cannot get over how ugly this post is going to look until I fix it! I'm a tad OCD in the sense that I like to have a set format for my posts, as you probably could have already guessed. With my titles and subtitled and credits, fonts, pictures, watermarks, captions and sign offs, everything is the same.
Well, I'm going to add the finishing touches to Steafene's amazing present ;) and then write in my diary (I missed writing last night, ops). Okay, night!
{ live ; Laura ♥ xx}