--> letters come from far and near <--
I got a letter today from my friends Cathryn. I love getting international post! I need to write her back ASAP. British stamps are so much prettier than American stamps, probably because the queen is much prettier than the Liberty Bell ha ha. Today was a good day, I got some people to sign my Yearbook and had an overall easy day work-wise.
The only homework I really need to do is start on my story for English. We have to write a non-gender-biased fairytale. Mine is about a dinosaur… I like it so far, I have to do all of the illustrations for it too. But when it’s all done, I’ll post the pictures on here so You can all see it. My little brothers may go up North to my Grandma’s cottage this weekend, that would be nice, because then I can go to some Open Houses and hang out with friends instead of babysitting them. I babysit way too much, I really need to get out more, I really do. Well, I hope everyone had a great day, and please, enjoy your weekend as much as you can! <3
{i’m coming home; Laura xx ♥ }
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