Tuesday, June 30, 2009
{Life's What You Make It}
I'm out!
[ god, how do I find myself here again and again? ]
I'm still in love with the false hope of us stabbed inside my chest
Hi. Wow. Well,yesterday sucked so much it’s unreal. I think the worst way to find anything out is on your own. Especially when it seems that they showed no signs of ever really wanting to clue you in at any point. I’ve probably already used those lyrics once before but they fit way too perfectly for me to use something else. I’m kind of at a loss for word right now. It hasn’t really sunk in yet I guess. But honestly, I don’t what to get all hung up on a guy, so I’m going to indulge in the natural highs of life, such as:
- bubble baths
- warm tea
- hugs
- friends
- adventures
- music
- walks & bike rides
- art
I really need to get my mind off of things and avoid becoming a bitch about situations. I had it coming, I guess… wait… did I? I don’t think I really did anything deserving of this situation. Whatever, I can’t even being to explain or understand people’s emotions and intentions or what runs through their head. So i wont even try. Maybe I did something wrong, or maybe I did nothing wrong, all I know for sure, is that now I’m back to square one, and I am clueless as to what direction square two even is in! Steafene is off up north right now so I can’t vent to her about anything. Hannah! I need you!
Picture Credits:
1st: ivory.butterflies(me) click to view my stream
{look around for a lifeline ; Laura xx ♥ }
Monday, June 29, 2009
{You're A Classic, Like A Little Black Dress}
P.S. My mom is leaving again this weekend--but this is the last time I SWEAR! I'll try and write then!
[ do you care if i don’t know what to say? ]
do you ever take a chance, my love?
Hello! And good morning to you all! It’s around 8:10am and I’m up and buzzing around getting things ready and set for the day. I’ve been browsing flickr for more artists and I gasped when I realised I have not used on of my favourites! This picture is courtesy of youryellowbird and her stream can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25849630@N07/
I think I need to set up a format for this. So that everyone who gets their picture in here can have a proper credit, because we all know that credits make the world go around! (Online:) )
So, just in case you were wondering, Pepsi and crushed ice, not so much. It starts tasting like a slurpee from a convenience store. But right now my gorgeous kitty is trying to know my glass over, he does that a lot. There’s a picture of him for you, just in case you were pondering the breed of him. He’s half Ragdoll and half Himalayan, with his big blue eyes and his cow print pattern. :) I love him so much! Well, today, I shall get some stuff sorted out, and running on only four hours of sleep, I hope to be done by noon so that I ma nap! My brain seriously would not shut up last night! It was insane! Alright, I’m going to go and load the dryer now, bye!
Picture Credits:
1st: youryellowbird click to view photostream
2nd: ivory.butterflies(me)click to view photostream
{does that work for a format for crediting? If anyone has better ideas, or thinks I should link to that specific picture or something, please, comment me! The comment button is down there ↓}
{cheers! ; Laura xx ♥ }
Sunday, June 28, 2009
[ and it looked like a painting i once knew ]
back when my thoughts were not entirely in tact
This is my inspirational picture of the day, and I have OMG it’s Shortie at flickr to thank! Here is her URL for her feed: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29185106@N02/ , she is currently doing the 365 day challenge. And in case you didn’t know, this is where you try and take a photo everyday and post something about it. When I finally get my amazing lens, flickr will become my new blog and I will attempt the 365 challenge. I’m thinking about when I will retire this blog. End of the summer? Probably, I mean, that was the initial idea Hannah and I had when we started this up. But, you know, I’ve grown attached to it (awww) and I don’t really want to cease writing in here. Actually, I think i will start up my own blog and continue my ranting etcetera. Wow, I’ve used the word etcetera way to much recently haha. Well, I have to go do some shopping with maman now, so I shall leave you now, oh and… you should check out www.daviddalen.us for some more blogging amazement ;)
Picture Credits:
1st: OMG its Shortiie ♥ 's Stream click to view her photostream on flickr:)
{ i’m working on it ; Laura xx ♥ }
Saturday, June 27, 2009
[ let me take you down, because i’m going to… ]
s t r a w b e r r y f i e l d s
I got up early this morning and Urian picked me up and we went to the strawberry fields and picked fresh strawberries. :) They were so yummy, and I took some good pictures. Click on each picture to see the original, better and bigger size.
My phone has a really weird panorama option that I can’t seem to use properly, it’s alright though… it takes a picture when it sees fit as you move the camera…odd huh?
Well, it was a fun little trip, I don't really get out of the house enough, so it was a nice escape for a few hours. I got strawberry stains on my fingers, knees, lips and feet ha ha. :) Now I’m babysitting as usual and I desperately wish that I could go and do something. I’m always cooped up inside the house like a chicken.
The Caesars just started playing and it reminds me of my SSX phase where I played that game non-stop. God, I’m such a dork >.<!!!
Certain people are still being extraordinarily annoying, overdramatic and stupid but I’m trying hard to remember my mid-summer promise I made to myself so I’m trying to let is subside on it’s own and I’m going to ignore it. /i really need to hang out with some amigos soon! Well, I might be a nice sister and get out the Spiderman slip-‘n-slide for my little brothers, even though I’d rather just watch a movie or something. Well, before I do anything, I have to do some cleaning and chores etcetera. Sayonara!
{ it’s easy once you know how it’s done ; Laura xx ♥ }
Friday, June 26, 2009
[ i know exactly what you’re thinking ]
you wont say it now, but in your heart it’s LOUD
Hello hello hello everyone. I woke up at 8:00am this morning but then I fell back asleep and slept till noon…again. Ugh, I hate waking up at noon! I really do! Yesterday took forever to finally end, but today I have the same sort of ugh…not another day vibe as I did yesterday, but a little less intense.
Kay, Michael Jackson died yesterday, at the age of 50. But that is ALL I have to say about the matter. Moving on…
I have decided to try on carry on, move on, whatever you want to call it. Because to be 100% honest… I’m far too suspicious and far too ignored to even put the effort in anymore. No one like to work for something that negatively affects them, do they?
It’s the beginning of the end… the car went up the hill and went around the bend. Ask anyone, they’ll tell you that it’s these times that it tends to start to break off, to start to fall apart, hold onto your heart.
Arctic Monkeys :) I’m listening to stuff like them and The Strokes etcetera, because these bands/songs don’t remind me of my New Month’s Resolution… and quite like Pandora’s box, the only way I can avoid wanting to go back to it… is to hide it away and try forget about it. And, also like Pandora’s box, it’s very enticing and gorgeous and tempting... but filled with troubles. So, I would be an utter idiot if I went back to it, and I am not an idiot. :)
{ change is good ; Laura xx ♥ }
Thursday, June 25, 2009
[ you’re sitting there thinking your thoughts ]
they are not about what is but what is not
It’s raining right now :) I love the rain so much! It was so close to 100 degrees yesterday so this rain is so lovely and refreshing. Oh, wow… I woke up at seven this morning, made packed lunches for my brothers and then I went back to bed and slept until noon. When I woke up, I looked onto to floor by my lamp and the wire of my hair straightener combined with some red string made the word ‘Love’. Seriously, here, I’ll post a picture without moving the string or anything. It was seriously weird. i didn’t get much sleep last night. Thanks to my stupid head thinking about stupid things all the time. Another technical issue, my phone is acting up so I’ll have to wait a while before posting that picture of my wires and string, okay? :) There’s going to be a rainbow! The sun just came out and it’s shining really brightly, i love the weather today, but I don’t like today. Yesterday I went to the pool with Stefan and Jasmine, it was fun. :) I’m going to try and make today a good day, so, wish me luck, I’ll need it. I also need to stop over-analyzing things, it’s obviously not good for me. I’m listening to my The Strokes playlist on www.Pandora.com and it’s pretty good :) It’s playing New Slang by The Shins right now. But, you should definitely check out Pandora just for kicks, you’ll enjoy it, I’m pretty sure you will anyway. Today, I don’t have any plans set in stone or anything, but I’m going to go and make some now, so, I shall talk to you all tomorrow. :)
{ here comes the rainbow! ; Laura xx ♥ }
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
[ this is my winter song to you ]
the storm is coming
I woke up at 7am today! Yay! I had to help get my little brothers ready for camp. So, I’m awake now, just watched a good bit of Wimbledon Tennis. :) Fun stuff. But I just found out that my phone isn’t working! Argh! And my brothers are not going to be home until 8pm today so I really wanted to hag out. But I can’t if my phone isn’t working because,
1) I can’t contact anyone to plan out anything,
2) I can’t contact my mum to tell her about my plans
3) I can’t text/call/IM anyone to tell them I’m free today
So, I’m royally screwed.I have come to the conclusion that these past few days have sucked. Really, with all the hospitalizations (which were more serious than I had hoped) and constant babysitting and phones not working and everything else…I’m just so done with this entire week already, even though it’s only Wednesday. It’s really stupid, I mean, it’s summer and I should be enjoying it, not hating weeks in their entirety. Oh, I should add on lack of monetary funds onto the list too because, well, I’m broke. I’m broke, bored, confined to my house on my free day,stressed, upset, worried, concerned, tired, pissed-off and every other emotion in between. Screw this Wednesday, and this week. At least my mum is home. :P I’m going to make a cake, or something to distract me from this somewhat, awful day{ so far}. I promise you, I shall do something interesting soon, because I can feel everyone’s attention fleeting as I type this. Oh, I’m going to go for a run now, 5 mile maybe. I’m tired though so maybe 4 miles, with Stefan(?). Alright, everyone, go watch round 2 our Ladies Tennis at Wimbledon! :D
Oh, here is that video I was telling you all about, I managed to upload it to my Flickr account.
{ asdfjkl; ; Laura xx ♥ }
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
{Tout Va Très Bien}
stay sweet!
[ please pick up the phone, am i invisible?]
you’re probably not as bad as i make you out to be, to the boys & the girls…
Woke up just before noon today, whoo! Go me! But, aside from that… my mummy is coming home today! :) Hopefully… if all goes well. I’m listening to some Kings of Leon right now. It’s funny because Stefan first discovered them back in 2003/2004 when they reached the UK billboards for the first time with Youth and Young Manhood. Back when they looked like old hippies with odd voices. But now everyone loves ‘em. They’ve been around for nine years or so and are just now getting mega-fame. Kudos to you KoL! :D Argh, why can’t my mum just come home right now?! I hate waiting for stuff… I mean, I’m not impatient, but with things like this… it’s bee “hopefully…maybe” for three days now. Ugh, ever so frustrating. Let’s see, seeing as I update this everyday, it’s hard to write a giant page of stuff. Hannah writes in here once in a blue moon, so, when she does, she can write rather lofty paragraphs etcetera. Mouthwash just came on my iTunes and it’s reminded me that I need to go and buy some more (mouthwash). It’s Tuesday? Really?! Oh mon dieu, summer has completely warped my sense of what day it is. Well… I need to do something interesting now! Or no one will want to read this… buh--bye.
{ another day… ; Laura xx ♥ }
Monday, June 22, 2009
[ you and you and your twisted words ]
“hello” to high & dry
As you can see, I posted this rather amusing picture. It’s the first thing that has made me smile since I woke up. This picture was taken in Maryland… so why would you need a sign to Sacramento California? It’s rather amusing I think. Anyway, I just got up a while ago and I have found out that my brothers wont be back until after eight. Freedom. My mother called me and said that I have to go out and quit worrying. Doctor’s orders (hahaha). Hannah called me at 9:22am. I guess she needs to log on and read this a bit more to understand that my sleep schedule is screwed up. Well, I’m going to take a shower and then find someone to hang out with on this one free day. Bye.
Picture Credits:
1st: chrissettyphotography click to view his photostream
{ je t’adore, d’accord? ; Laura xx ♥ }
{i'm on my way}
Sunday, June 21, 2009
[ i'm still in love with the false hope of us… ]
colours paint themselves on canvas
My mum went into the hospital yesterday. She hasn’t been feeling great lately. I’m worried. :/ She was supposed to come home today but they said they need to do some more tests just to make sure she’s alright. So she’ll be home tomorrow. Hopefully.
I went to bed earlier last night since I didn’t get any sleep the night before. The last few days have been filled with sublime thoughts and it’s really frustrating. I mean, I’m just trying to think about everything and sort it all out but the sheer sublimity of it all is just so overwhelming. And now, to balance out the use of that phrase, I shall indulge myself in some cookies and milk. Sometimes I just want to go crazy and declare myself insane… but be completely aware of everything. But then, you see, I wouldn’t have to deal with anything. It’s me like mental suicide. I’d be turning my life over but I’d still be alive. Wow, you see, I;m really not in the right state of mind right now. Will all the recent events, relationships, successes and failures, I’m just on the line between sanity and insanity. Oh, and add lack of sleep into that dangerously balanced equation and it just grows more and more fragile. I think the use of a roundabout as a picture for today’s entry because I feel like I’m just going in the same old circle again. Thinking to much, about too much, way too much. I’ll quit displaying my stupid rants on this blog now. xx
Picture Credits:
1st: joey kennedy click to view his photostream
{ good day, sunshine ; Laura xx ♥ }
Saturday, June 20, 2009
[ & tonight, i stay home and miss you]
more than you’ll ever know
Hello, hello, hello. Well, last night I literally didn’t get a wink of sleep. I stayed up till about 2:30am watching old episodes of Skins since I hadn’t watched them in a long time. Then I tried to sleep but my mind was far too full of things to even attempt sleep. So I opened my window and sat on the sill with my legs hanging off the edge and I listened to some amazing, fantastic music. Surprisingly I’m not tired though. I watched the sun come up, and I watched my mum come home at 6am from going out on her birthday, and I watched the early morning commuters leave for work and I watched the sky become increasingly blue.
Today, I talked to my dad, stepmum and new baby sister on Skype. She’s so tiny and cute! I love talking to my family in Ireland on Skype, it’s so much fun! The best things in life are free. ;) They;re all doing great, and Rebecca (no longer Rebekah due to people being confused) is two weeks old as of today! I’m so happy to finally have a little sister! and she’s going to be gorgeous, I can tell. :) Babysitting today, so, not much fun. I think I’ll finish the second series of Skins today as I have nothing better to do. I’m going to cry so much more this series… again. Wish me luck!
{ you’re eyes are supposed to blur too ; Laura xx ♥ }
Friday, June 19, 2009
[ well i can be lonely if she’s happy ]
i need a miracle in my veins
Are stars still dying for nothing? Yet another Manchester Orchestra day for me. :) It was my mother’s birthday today. So I made her a pretty cake and she came home and ate some…but then left again to go out. I have discovered an amazing photographer… her flickr photostream is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rosie_hardy/ You must take a peek! Her work is so ethereal and beautiful. Like a lullaby in a single frame. :) Today was pleasant, but my head has been filled with thoughts and opinions and ideas on practically every possible topic. So, basically, I have been thinking a lot today, and it’s both very good, and very bad. You see, when I think too much, I don’t tend to sleep very well. But I’m trying to get an early night tonight. Wish me luck!
Picture Credits:
1st:Rosie Hardy click to view her photostream
{ it isn’t fair, but it’s reality; Laura xx ♥ }
Thursday, June 18, 2009
[ I've left earlier than you’ll ever know ]
why do you want to be in my life?
Hello sunshine! I just made my mother a cake for her birthday tomorrow! It’s cherry cherry cherry with strawberries! She loves cherries and strawberries, in case you wanted to know. I’m listening to some mellow music right now, because I’m in such a chill mood right now. I just want to listen to Manchester Orchestra, Death Cab, Athlete and some Postal Service. I’ll probably fall asleep. But I’m supposed to water the flowers in the garden before they die, according to my mother.
Alright, I’m back, the flowers are going to be saved after all. :) Well, I have some link for everyone…
My Flickr Photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/laura_amour/
Gaming Forum Website: http://dualshocked-gaming.co.nr/
If you’re bored and have nothing better to do, then click on those and waste some time. The gaming forum website thing is pretty sweet if you like to talk about games or you want to find some new people to play with. Yup, so Steafene left at around 4:30pm today, so she didn’t get to make the cake for my mum with me but she went to the shops with me to get the strawberries and frosting stuff. My phone has been acting up kind of today, but it stopped saving all it’s messages to the SIM card now, so that’s much better. Other than that, nothing much happened today. OH! My grandma gave me $5 for a good report card… because apparently that’s a substantial amount of money to give someone who worked their ass off all year. Whatever. Bonsoir! OH! WAIT! Before I forget again, remember the artist Sam I was talking to you about? Well, I gave him a title idea and he drew a picture from it! And here is the result!:
{ un deux trois… ; Laura xx ♥ }
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
[ birds can fly so high ]
or they can shit on your head
Heya! I’m here with my homie Steafene (and Stefan)! And by homie I mean…. my girl ;). Well, Steafene just got her shirt back, after a year!!
Super annoyed because my eye has been twitchen for like 3 hours straight, prolly cause i draaank too much soda pop. Now i’m bout to drink some orange soda pop. peace ya’ll.
Kay, that was Steafene, just in case you couldn’t tell… ha ha ha! Well, she’s over right now, spending the night, because we’re tight. Whoa, rhyming Laura! So this blog post may seem rather hyper and all over the place. But, yeah, we walked over to the well, and got muddy as fudge. I’m from Kentucky! And then we went to the end of the road to see the horsies and boondocks-ness, we saw a dead sparrow :( and a really creepy thing in a barn that looked like a guy. And now we’re at home, acting stupid with Stefan at the dining table eating Texas Toast and orange Faygo. Right, well, What’d ya mean?… What’d ya mean, what’d ya mean?. I’m going to say good bye now because all these crack addicts are… being crack addict-y and it’s pretty distracting, but funny.
{ i love you ; Laura xx ♥ }
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
[ i wonder to myself, could life ever be sane again? ]
but honey pie, you’re not safe here
I have discovered an adorable and lovable artist named Sam. He draws pictures based on titles supplies by fans. The drawings are really simple but really cute. explodingdog.com <--- go there and look through the archives until you find something you like, it wont take long. I only got 6 hours of sleep last night, which sucked because it’s summer and 6 hours of sleep is just not enough!!! I’m going to go to bed early tonight… because right now, I'm really tired and I keep sneezing…. achoo! But, yes, look up Sam, I love him. :) iTunes is having an emo day today ha ha. I think it feels sorry for itself because I put it on shuffle and here is the result:
And now its playing ‘Golden’, and in case you don’t know the song… here are some lyrics:
“And all lovers with no time for me… and all of the mothers who raised their babies to stay away from me and pray they don’t grow up to be….”
Silly iTunes. :) I think I’ll put in another one of Sam’s pictures just because they’re just so adorable. FYI, you can click on any of the pictures on this blog to see the original size of them, and I advise you do. Well, I think I shall go on a bike ride today. But before I do anything, I’m going to go and take a shower and wash my hair… maybe straighten it for the first time in a long time. Happy Tuesday everyone!
{ what can i say? ; Laura xx ♥ }
Monday, June 15, 2009
[ i hope it’s going to make you notice ]
someone like me
Just got back from downtown, and I’ve decided that I really really really want an American Apparel hoodie. They’re so soft and warm! :) But yeah, I wandered around downtown and at Urban Outfitters they were taking down all of the amazing furniture and selling it!!! I wanted the pink mirror SO badly but I didn’t have any money with me. :( Anyway, I'm incredibly hungry because I haven’t eaten all day! Yesterday I made a video for the song ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Kate Nash. I’ll post it at the end of this blog post so you can see it. What else did I do today… oh, I woke up really really late because I didn’t go to be until 4:30am because my mum was having heart problems due to an overwhelming amount of stress. Everything is good now though, I’m just really tired and once again someone didn’t turn the air conditioning on, so I’ll do that now because its roasting in here! Alright, I don’t really have anything left to write, so I guess I’ll just post my awesome video now. ILY. Orrr not, because apparently I can’t post a copyrighted song, whatever. :P
{ take it all the way ; Laura xx ♥ }
Sunday, June 14, 2009
[ you electrify my life ]
i don’t know if it’s worth it anymore
Good afternoon. Lazy Sunday definitely. I’m not doing anything today. Maybe a bike ride or something. But I have to babysit because Stefan is going out today because it’s Dylan’s birthday. So, Monday, I’ll do something on Monday. I guess I should start planning now. I watched some of HAARP, Muse’s live DVD, with Stefan this morning… they are SO good live… it’s insane!!!
I’ m eating butter cream frosting right now… only a tid-bit though. I looked at the statistics on the counter for this blog and people from France, Canada, Venezuela and other interesting places have cruised by. Hello to all of you then. :) Last night i was feeling rather melancholy and alone and sorry for myself. But I got over it after listening to Kate Nash. Because I felt stupid feeling so sorry for myself whilst sitting on my European day-bed, listening to European music on my European iPod and docking station, writing in my UO notebook and European diary, wearing my Macys PJs and sipping Earl Grey from a European tea cup. I looked around at my room and everything in it and told myself to grow up and cheer-up. So today I’m back in my joyous mood once again. Florence and the Machine is playing right now… Kiss With a Fist. I cant decide if I like Florence or not. My mum is about to leave for work, and Stefan will be leaving soon enough. Then, babysitting shall commence. Alright, peace.
{ boys don’t cry ; Laura xx ♥ }
Saturday, June 13, 2009
[ as the wind picked up the fire spread ]
a cemetery on a hill---on a hill
Good Morning! Today, at around seven in the morning, my baby SISTER, Rebakah was born! I finally have a sister. I'm going to spoil her so much. I’ll buy her cute dresses and toys, read her books, baby her to death…. shell wish she was a boy after I'm done fussing over her! And when she gets older, Ill do her hair and asjdflk;asdfjkl;. I'm getting ahead of myself now. Ugh, I really wish I was going to Ireland this summer now. So, today is Stefans birthday, (JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE, MON FRERE!), Rebekah’s birthday, (JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE MA PETITE SOEUR!), And the seventeenth wedding anniversary of my Aunt Trish and My Uncle Shane. Well, we had people over last night, so there’s lots of cleaning up to do. And since it is Stefan’s birthday, he’s not going to do anything. :)
{ hush little baby… ; Laura xx ♥ }
Friday, June 12, 2009
[ take your time girl, because you don’t have to rush ]
because it’s your life and no one else’s sweetheart
I’m having a conversation with Jordan right now.
He was basically profiling me based on a picture that I posted on Facebook. I tagged most of the significant things but ran out of space because you can only tag 50 things per picture. Here’s the picture for your amusement.
He said more stuff, and most of it was all right. Crazy stuff. I’m listening to Navy Taxi by Kate Nash, I really really like this song. It’s so sweet and uplifting. It’s relatable, like when everything seems shitty… excuse my language [;)]… and nothing seems to be going right. And all you really need is for someone to tell you to slow down and live your life for yourself. I advise you to listen to it. I usually listen to some alright music, so don’t be afraid. :) Today was alright. My grandma and uncle came over to celebrate Stefan’s birthday which is tomorrow, and my birthday, which was Tuesday. Mmmm, cake. Stefan is out right now, watching a hockey match. Whooo Red Wings… I guess. Hope your day was good.
{ night night ; Laura xx ♥ }
Thursday, June 11, 2009
[ she lives a life full of risk & full of play]
& her flowers, they grow more beautiful everyday
Laura & Hannah
Heya everyone! Yes, we are going above and beyond today. Three posts in one day! Well, Hannah came over, and helped me pick out my outfit since I was still in my PJs. Then we went walking around…. and, well we made a video… so I guess I’ll just post that. I have to post it in two parts because it’s ten minutes long. So watch the videos, and be amused. :)
And here is part deux… sorry for the lagging on the videos.
{ je t’aime ; Laura xx ♥ }
[it’s kind of funny the way we’re wearing anchors on our shirts]
when being anchored aboard feels like a curse
Yum yum yum! Jammie Dodgers and tea. So good. :) For those that are unaware of what a Jammie Dodger is…
Delicious stretchy jam splodged at the heart of two yummy shortcake biscuits
There’s your explanation. And there’s your visual aide. Snacks aside… I didn’t get much sleep last night. I kept waking up. But I’m up now, and technology is just not on my side today, my phone is saving all texts to SIM which is annoying. And my computer is having a hard time working properly. But I’m sure everything will work out in due time. I find that that actually works too, if i leave something alone when it’s not working properly, or not working out well, then it fixes itself. I don’t know if that’s legitimate, but it seems to be alright. Hey! I might actually be able to hang out with Hannah! Ouah! Rare, but amazing! Well, if that’s the case I have to do some cleaning up! Bye!
{ we have nothing but time on our hands; Laura xx ♥ }
{Our Daydream Spills From My Gold Head}
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
[ we’ll talk about our plans ]
& I'll keep saying how lucky we are ♥
Hello! I just got home from a meeting. Wow, I sound so business-like and grown up. I’m a power-suit and a venti-skinny-caramel-macchiato away from being a working-gal. But, I’m not, I'm drinking vitamin water and wearing a shirt from Urban Outfitters and a denim skirt. My Dad sent me money yesterday, yay! I love birthdays, especially my own. Well, I advise you to only get the Sultan's Feast if you have people with you that have very big stomachs. HUUUUGE PLATES! But now I’m back home and someone turned the air conditioning on wayyyy to high. So now it’s pretty cold in here. Okay, I just turned it off, let the house warm up a bit. I’m so bored right now. i wanna go and do something. Well, let us review the past few days of summer. I went up north, slept over Steaf’s house, had a birthday, went for a bike ride, went to a meeting… yeah, that’s about it. Oh, and when I say had a birthday, I mean I went to see UP with Urian and Joey (and cried), then went shopping and hung out downtown. Well I have nothing really interesting to write about, so I’ll let you continue on with your day :)
{ you need me like a hole in your head ; Laura xx ♥ }
{Fall Comes As Early As Summer Leaves}
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
[ joyeux anniversaire a moi ]
happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me…
It’s my birthday today and it’s a beautiful day out. Lovely summer day, with the sun in the sky, the grass as green as ever and the sky as blue as… something extraordinarily blue! ^-^ It’s still early in the day, so no no presents yet, only a few birthday wishes, hug and kisses from my family. Sweet Sixteen. Not planning anything spectacular today, just the usual cake, presents and family. I’m not a big birthday person, unless it’s a birthday for someone who isn’t me. I like to pay attention to other people’s birthdays and make them cards and presents. I think I’ll make my 5oth birthday decent ha ha ha :). Thank you for everyone’s birthday wishes, and I hope you have a wonderful day too! I think I’ll go and get a zebra print cover for my new phone though! :) ♥ I bought some awesome shirts! And i think I’ll wear them tomorrow… well, the Union Jack one anyway.
{ the sunshine is here because of you; Laura xx ♥ }
Monday, June 8, 2009
[ chillin’ with no make-up on ]
that’s when you the prettiest i hope that you don’t take it wrong
My birthday is tomorrow! I got a new phone from my mum today though! I love it, especially the full qwerty keyboard and that slider part. It’s 3G too, so now I have… ahem… “America’s fasted 3G network” or something like that. It had everything I need, like IM and email, texting, camera… you know, that essentials. I’m stoked, and yes, I just said stoked. I’ve really needed a new phone for a long time, so really, I’m way over-due. I’m not doing anything special for my birthday but I’m still excited for it. :)
Yesterday was fun, I stayed over Steafene’s sister’s house. We didn’t stay up that late but we still managed to sleep in until 1pm! I have no idea how we did that. I also had some really weird dreams… and I strangely could vividly remember them. I say dreams and not dream because I woke up several times in the night and each time I went back to sleep… I started dreaming something different. Well, it rained pretty hard today, so I wont be spending time in the garden really. I hope you all have a lovely day! :)
{ dance in the rain ; Laura xx ♥ }
Sunday, June 7, 2009
[ P5ROX!D3 PR!NCE55 ]
I bleached my roots last night. Well, actually my mother did it when she got home at around 11:15pm. I’m all super Barbie blonde now. Barbie is a name, funny to think about it like that, but what if I named my child Barbie. That would be unfortunate. But yes, I am very blonde right now, and I’m happy! I was on the verge of having a hat of black roots! And I adore the conditioner that comes with the bleach, it makes my hair feel unusually, un-Barbie-doll-ish. I’m going to see Steafene today. Her sister is picking me up around 3 o’clock and I’ll be able to see Kaden! I’m so excited! I miss that kid, and him mother, and (of course) Steafene. It has finally set in that Summer is here and that I will not have school tomorrow, and I am SO excited about it! I just gave a teacher a call, on their mobile phone, they didn’t answer, so I had to leave a message. Thank God, because I’d think it weird to talk to a teacher on their mobile…
whatever. Well, I’ve been getting massive photography cravings lately, I’ll just see a tree perfectly lit by the orange setting sun, or a tree standing solo in the middle of a field, or a little girl sitting on a bridge with her toes skimming the lake… and I’ll complain about not having a lens. I really want/need a lens… and soon.
{it’s not over yet ; Laura xx ♥ }
Saturday, June 6, 2009
[ && you can find it in a heartbeat ]
&& leave it tangled in the bed sheets
Good afternoon everybody! Lovely first day of summer, non? Well, I just went for a bike ride. It’s pretty warm out, and I passes people having barbeques out the back of their pick-up trucks. I know there’s a name for that, but I can’t remember it right now. But, I was riding past and the smell of yummy barbequed food flooded my senses, grrr, meat-cravings much? Well, as you can tell from the above picture, I fancy myself a bit of an super-amateur photographer. The only thing that’s getting in the way of me dropping that super is my lack of a decent lens.
I would rally like either a Nikon D60 or a Canon Rebel Xti, but I doubt that will happen any time soon. Well, since Hannah cited her plans for this lovely summer, I think I shall do that too. Well, I want to save up all of my birthday money that I’ll hopefully be getting and put it towards my beau, the Nikon D60, and buy some lovely clothes too, of course. Then, I want to finish writing my secret novel that I’ve only told one person about. And I want to do one fun thing everyday of the summer, some more so than others but I don’t want boring days. I could make a cake, go out, have a sleepover, just something. Also, this summer, I want to read more. I want to read The Great Gatsby and all the other books you need to read in English III. I also want to find a SLR camera to borrow so I can at least take some pictures this summer. I want to go for morning/evening runs in order to get fitter and lengthen my endurance, kind of like preparation for next year sports. I want to volunteer somewhere fun to help out with my NHS stuff and I want to go on a road trip somewhere. Those are a few goals, but I’m very sure that I will end up making a long list, I may post it, but I may decide to spare you, you never know ;). Well, I had fun at the cottage yesterday, only for one day, but whatever. Alright, I shall go do some chores and errands etc.
{ spontaneity is important ; Laura xx ♥ }
{In The Midde Of Summer}
Friday, June 5, 2009
[ && all the world’s a stage ]
with my eyes sewn shut
I’m up north right now, at Crystal Lake, Michigan. My grandma dragged me up here with my younger brothers. My older brother is frolicking around, doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. But that’s how it always is, no big deal. I don’t really want to be in EL right now anyways. I like spending the first weekend of the summer holidays somewhere else. ‘m only staying for Friday night, but I’m happy about that, I don’t really want to spend my whole weekend up there. :P
Well, I hope everyone has a pleasant weekend and do something fun! For my sake!
{ i miss you; Laura xx ♥ }
Thursday, June 4, 2009
[ i’m every cliché ]
(( but i simply do it best ))
Ouch, my feet really hurt now. I just walked down Lake Lansing road to go home. I was off at steaf’s house and I decided I should walk home so I could be there in time to let my brothers in. They aren’t here yet but whatever, I’m just going to watch music videos. My grandma is taking my brothers to , those luck buggers. rawr. I’m going up north this weekend, so I’m going to cheat a little bit. I shall write a mock-blog-entry and schedule it to send itself to the blog tomorrow afternoon. Because I’m a high-tech liar ha ha. Yeah, so that is probably what I will do, so I will maintain my record of always writing in this blog for as long as it’s been up. [;)] I just took one of those random quizzes on Facebook…. and apparently I am Pyramid Head, my life is complete…. enough said.
I am also very obsessed with City and Colour right now. Canadian band, and I love them. I was just listening to Comin’ Home and now I’m hooked on them now. Recently, I have been listening to one band for hours on end, and then moving on to another band that I don’t listen to much. So, thanks to that, I have quiet a few new loves, music-wise.
I wish I could do better by you,
Cause its what you deserve.
You sacrifice so much of your life,
In order for this to work.
While I'm off chasing my own dreams,
Sailing around the world,
Please know that I'm yours to keep,
My beautiful girl.
When you cry a piece of my heart dies,
Knowing that I may have been the cause,
If you were to leave, fulfill someone else's dreams,
I think I might totally be lost.
You don't ask for no diamond rings,
No delicate string of pearls,
That's why I wrote this song to sing,
My beautiful girl.
Those are the lyrics to the song The Girl and I adore that song, it is the official staple for cliché love song. It’s the definition of adorable. Alright, so I guess I shall go write my mock-entry right now. ONE MORE DAY OF SCHOOL LEFT!!!
{ take the risk; Laura xx ♥ }
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
[ everybody took everything that they could ]
they threw the rules away but kept the
…wisdom in…
I had final Exams today! World Civilizations and earth Science. I’m pretty sure I did well on both of them, especially World Civilizations, tres facil. Mrs. Hmadi played us a goodbye song for children, it was kind of sad actually. Between all our arguments on how to pronounce things and how many typos were on her PowerPoint presentations… we had some fun. But, she wont be at our school next year, she’s going off to work with a different…genre… of children (ha!). A part of me will miss her, but the other part is happy to be done with that class. Tomorrow is going to be Theatre II and Geometry. Easy stuff once again. My finals have always been easy pour moi. Mais… that just means that next year, and the year after that are going to be a bit more challenging. Well, I would say some excuse like “I have to go study for my finalzzz…” but you know that would be a lie. I don’t have to study, nor will I. I have 10% already done on my Geometry final since I did the review pages and got all the questions right. I’m listening to this song, but I don’t know what it’s called… hold on…. oh, “At Least It Felt Like A Promise” by Triumph and Parade… i see, el oh el. Well, two more days of school left and then…..SUMMER! Yay! I am so ready for it too, even though this year has rushed by… Okay, I shall go and do something else productive, like maybe print off my Printmaking final Reflection paper. Au Revoir .
{ je t’aime; Laura xx ♥ }
{Oh, How It's Been So Long...}
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
[ i'm off chasing my own dreams ]
sailing around the world
{how long do I wait?; Laura xx ♥}