Saturday, October 17, 2009
[ i need you so much closer ]
It's been forever, but whatever.
I'm happy, I'm sad.
I'm up and down.
Everything is perfect and everything is wrong.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Oh, by the way
Monday, August 31, 2009
[ i always knew that i would end up with you ]

Well, did you know that there are over 12 million vegetarians in the United States? And it takes over 144 gallons of water to produce 1lbs of pork, as opposed to the 14 gallons it takes to produce 1lbs of grain. Amazing stuff. And 70% of the water on earth is used to hydrate cattle for consumption. That's a lot of water that we could be bottling up or moving across the oceans to people who need it! Today I made a vegetarian Lasagna. I used Morning Star Meal Starters ground beef replacement, spinach, tomato sauce, mushrooms, green peppers and ricotta cheese. Oh and some Parmesan and mozzarella. It was delish and everyone ate it all up! :] See, vegetarian food is yummy, so yummy that a house full of meat eaters can enjoy a vegetarian meal.
{ go veg ; Laura xx ♥}
Sunday, August 30, 2009
[ he’s a keeper definitely ]
forever and ever i’ll keep him safe
I’m in such an odd mood right now. Blah. I had so much fun with Steafene with weekend! We stayed up the entirety of the first night and we went on the paddle boat and paddled out to the middle of the Lake at 2am and then we slept for a bit on the water trampoline in the middle of the lake. After that, we went home and went for a bike ride to the school at cycled around the blacktop and wandered around until 5:30am. then we crashed on our beds and slept until noon. We had tons of fun. :)
Hahahaha! I love that cartoon strip, especially the funeral one! I’m just trying to upload the dozen of picture we took with my phone, and it’s taking an eternity! check out my tumblr! OrchidTea and look at all the lovely things I’ve posted. Alright then, i guess I[m going to go and eat supper now. I’ll write in the morning!
{ up high ; Laura xx lessthanthree}
Saturday, August 29, 2009
[ do you think about me now and then ]
keep making that platinum and gold for me
I don’t know why I bother writing my name at the top of these posts anymore. I mean, I’m the only one writing in here since Hannah disappeared. I have to write, draw and take amazing photos for an amazing person. Because I didn’t do what I wanted to do for them… because I fail at letter sending. I will do this though.
Haha, I really need to start writing more poetry, taking ore pictures, sewing more clothes, cleaning more rooms, making more money and doing more overall. I think it’s list time. I love to make lists and they always help me separate my thoughts and feel like I know what’s going on, what needs to be done, and when. I like to sort things out on paper because then I can just look at it and feel better about everything. I was looking through my wallet a while ago and I tend to have random things in there. I found a note that I had written myself and it just made me smile. So I think I’m going to write out another note for myself and hide it somewhere. Then I’ll avoid it and pull it out at some point and smile after reading it. I think I’ll go and draw something epic right now.
{ wait ; Laura xx [screw hearts]}
Friday, August 28, 2009
[ mad people worry never hurry ]
and now i see
Hi! I’m just about to go and finish packing for my weekend away with Steafene at Indian Lake. I have about 5 hours until I have to be all ready. And for once in a million years, I haven’t fully packed a day before. I really want to save my money. But I totally just spent $25 on shampoo and conditioner. Argh, I really wish I didn’t spend that money. But whatever, I’m definitely going to chill out and save my $120 that’s hidden away from my eyes and refuse to spend it. I hate money, I hate saving up for things and I hate how I want to buy so many things! It’ so frustrating!!! Anyone want to donate some cash to me? I’d love you forever! Ugh, I just handed over more money to my mummy, I’m screwed money-wise.
{ the sweetest thing ; Laura xx ♥}
Thursday, August 27, 2009
[ oh god I aint got no other place to hide ]
I can't write today... I just can't do it! Ugh, I'm not in a writing mood at all. I'm in a photographic fashion kind of mood but I'm going to stay true to my constant blogging and I will NOT give it up until school starts! I got invited to! :] My page is and if you go to it, you can see one of my favourite outfits. I can't wait until the 15th September when I get to see Cage the Elephant and Manchester Orchestra and Silversun Pickups. Argh! I'm totally not in a writing mood! I'm in a: fill out my application to Urban Outfitters and take more pictures for my lookbook and tumblr mood. So... here is a picture of a fox.

{ hello there; LAura xx ♥ }